Market Expertise

A range of market research offerings is common for a consulting company. What isn’t so common is to have a consultant partner who is equally (or even more completely) versed in the complexities of the CGT space. Regardless of whether you’re in the process of developing a tools & tech offering or are considering other financial investment in CGT, our experts are available to provide boutique market research specific to the needs of our shared space. Examples include:

Needs assessment/market research

Our unmatched experience in this industry means that we have a deeper understanding of existing offerings and competitive environments than your company can get anywhere else. An informed assessment of market needs gets far beyond the buzzwords and the latest trends, considering instead the long-term trajectory for future therapies and the tools & tech necessary to create those therapies. Having watched this industry for decades, we’ve also seen a range of typical pitfalls and oversights and are equipped to help you avoid those.

Voice-of-customer (VOC) surveys

Knowing the right questions to ask is the secret to getting actionable survey results that speak specifically to your product and the market. Dark Horse experts have more combined years of experience in the CGT field than any other consulting practice; in fact, many of us have been in the space since the very beginning. There is no substitute for direct experience and meaningful connections when building a survey or a set of respondents.

(Would you like to lend us your voice? Join our VOC community here!)

Marketing strategy

We both are your target customers and work with your target customers every day. Living amidst the technical details of this space has provided us with an understanding of what your customers are looking for, what their pain points are, and what messaging will resonate with them. We aren’t marketers. But we absolutely know how to strategize effectively for CGT, no matter what your stage of market readiness may be.

Other Core Capabilities

DHC Experts in

Market Expertise

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Market Expertise
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Project & Program Management
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Regulatory Affairs
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Analytical Development
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