Market Research for a Cell Therapy Technology

The Ask

Entering the Cell & Gene Therapy space is an attractive proposition for many companies with diverse product portfolios. Successful entry into such a complicated space, though, requires thorough market research and/or modeling. In this case a full Market Research review, including a Voice of Customer survey, would lead to a forecast revenue model for effective planning.

The Impact

Dark Horse provided this client with a one-stop shop for market research, due diligence on expansion opportunities…and a guiding vision of the science and technical questions necessary to create an accurate to-market strategy. Unlike a traditional market research firm, Dark Horse brings extensive expertise in the CGT field to bear when considering the competitive landscape, competitive advantages, and target customer profiles.

DHC’S Approach

Before releasing a supporting technology into the cell therapy field, this client retained Dark Horse for a full market research workup, including:

  • A Voice of Customer survey (learn more about such surveys in this case study).
  • A portfolio expansion project. Evaluating other technologies in the cell therapy field provided the client with a sense of what they might choose to add to their portfolio. The first step is to consider a landscape scan (a detailed example of a different landscape scan project appears in this case study) to identify the other players in the field and their current and future offerings. This provides a list of possible competitors, collaborators, and/or potential M&A opportunities.
  • A go-to-market strategy for launching their product commercially. This includes guidance on maximizing relevant
    selling features and identifying best-fit marketing forums (conferences, webinars, publications, etc) as well as proof-of-concept data packages for each recommended forum.
  • Identifying a target customer profile: companies that are most likely to consider adopting the product, likely decision-makers, and profiles of those who will be using the technology. This process includes a consideration of selling points and related messaging points.
  • A revenue forecast model, including assumptions arrived at through the exercises above.
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Gene therapy